Broccoli, Mushroom & Bacon Tourte

by | Nov 2, 2020 | Organic Food, Recipes

Ingredients …

If you would like to make your own Quick Puff Pastry, here is a good recipe

Ingredients For The Puff Pastry:

 Tourte Filling:

  • 1 Red onion
  • 3 slices Streaky Bacon
  • 2 Broccoli heads
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • 8-10 Mushrooms
  • 1 cup Cream
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
  • Salt/Pepper
  • Pinch of Oregano and Thyme
  • Ghee or Oil for cooking
  • Cheddar Cheese and Brie (optional)


Method …

Prepare the puff pastry. I always use the express, I found a version online that pretty well explains it, the link is above with ingredients.

Line a deep cake mold or quiche tray with the pastry, prick bottom with a fork and cover with baking paper and raw rice or beans – cook for 20-25 minutes at 180 celcius.

Reserve the rest of the pastry, or make some vegemite & cheese appetizers or sugar twists …

In a large saucepan on high/medium heat, warm up diced bacon. Add onions chopped medium size (I like chunky pieces in quiches), chop the garlic finely. Add ghee or neutral vegetable oil (amount depends on your bacon and fat, it will render).

Once all have started to colour, add broccoli florets. Leave for 5 minutes until florets start to colour, stir regularly, then add sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, thyme and oregano. Turn the heat off. Don’t over stir the mushrooms or they’ll get too soft.

Let the veggies cool down (the water content of the veggies should have deglazed the pan, and all should be nicely coated with flavour of the bacon. If not, increase oil/ghee at the beginning or deglaze with a little white wine).

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add salt and pepper, dijon mustard and the cream. Whisk vigorously.

Fill up the pastry with the veggies, pour over the cream and eggs mixture. Sprinkle grated cheddar on top and add 3 slices of brie (if you have and if you wish).

Cook for 25 minutes at 180 celcius, or until eggs are cooked through. Let quiche rest a few minutes out of the oven before slicing. Enjoy with a salad.


Created and photographed by Chefs Anne-lyse and Daniele